Currently, I'm sprawled out on the sofa of my old apartment still recovering from the huge plate of gnocchi with arrabiata sauce I consumed at a popular Italian restaurant in Santiago. I worked through about half the meal with a large helping of bread before I had to give up and request for a take home bag. All this to say, it's good to be back in Santiago. In fact, it's been too good. Thanks to Easter weekend, I haven't had to share my friends with their jobs and such. The weather has been particularly warm, too. Ironically enough, if you would have asked me three weeks ago if I was ready to go back home, the answer would have been a definite YES. However, walking through the beautiful neighborhoods of Bellas Artes, Providencia, and Ñuñoa, I'm reminded of the incredible year I have spent in Chile. Last night crowded around a table on the rooftop of Becky's apartment with the token wine bottle half empty, I realized what amazing people I've met here and how difficult it's going to be to leave them. I said good bye to Grace last night as she's adventuring down in the Patagonia for the week, and I'm not looking forward to saying my other farewells.
I've come to a few conclusions.
First, change is hard (obivo po!).
Second, I would feel this same sadness if I was leaving in two months or in two years.
Third, the part of Santiago I'm seeing right now is not the part that I've also complained about for the past year.
Final Note:
I've only been in Santiago for the past four days and I leave to two! I've had a wonderful time traveling in Peru and Bolivia, and I plan to post with pictures and descriptions slowly but surely.
Mark your calendars. April 11th, 2012- The day Texas rejoiced because Katie came home. I'm pretty important.
Of course there was Katie/Grace photo action taking place on our last night in Santiago together. |
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